NJSUG 2011 First Quarter Meeting

The meeting was in the morning (9:00am - noon) on Friday, Mar 25th at:

Rutgers Labor Education Center
50 Labor Center Way
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
New Brunswick, NJ 08901


09:00-09:20 Registration and Continental Breakfast
09:20-10:20 Presentation: Let's Make Some Tag Clouds (Chang Chung and John King)
10:20-10:40 Break
10:40-10:45 Random Access (announcements)
10:45-11:45 Presentation: It's All About Variation (Blair Christian)
11:45-noon Door Prize Drawings

What Were We Talking about at Those SAS Conferences, or Let's Make Some Tag Clouds


Paper(pdf) to be presented at SGF2011


A tag cloud is a bunch of tags or words displayed nicely. More popular or important words are highlighted using different colors or font sizes. Popularized by Flickr and other Web 2.0 websites, tag clouds can be informative and useful. This presentation will discuss making tag clouds using nothing but Base SAS. The keywords come from the titles of all papers presented at two international SAS conferences: the 25th SAS Users Group International Conference in 2000 (SUGI 25) and SAS Global Forum 2010.


Chang Y. Chung is an experienced statistical programmer specialized in SAS programming and data management. He authored several conference papers and presented them at NESUG, PharmaSUG, and SGF. He is active in the user communities local and global.

John King is a senior programmer at the Ouachita Clinical Data Services. John has been using SAS for a long time and expert in SAS, data management, and statistical programming. When he is not giving his expert advice on SAS programming, he enjoys engaging in conversations on how to make the SAS user community better for the beginners and experts alike.

It's All About Variation: Improving Your Business Process with Statistical Thinking


Paper(pdf) presented at SGF 2010


Do you need to detect unusual variation in your data? Have you ever wondered whether control charts might work for business activity monitoring? Christian will explain how concepts and methods of statistical process monitoring, traditionally used in manufacturing, are finding fresh and valuable applications in business environments ranging from financial services to health care.

The starting point is a set of problems encountered by statisticians, analysts and managers in these settings. For each vignette, the key to the solution is a statistical understanding of the variation in the business process. Approaches range from control chart methods in SAS/QC® software to statistical modeling techniques in SAS/STAT® software. Common to all these methods are graphical displays for visualizing the variation, which is critical for explaining results to clients and management. Graphical displays can be created with ODS Statistical Graphics in SAS 9.2. Also, you'll get example programs to get you started.


Blair Christian is a new research statistician developer at SAS. He focuses on the SAS/QC product, and is busy developing functionality for non-traditional uses of process control in industries other than manufacturing, such as banking, insurance and healthcare. He received a doctorate in statistics from Rice University with a focus in methods for genetics and genomics. He has a wide range of professional experience in computational statistics including positions in a genetics group, a revenue optimization firm, and in the spatiotemporal modeling of air pollution.